Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blinding Lights

Well, what to say or not to about Europe? Everyone here seems always to have a story surrounding them, like a sphere of thoughts that they're immersed in and so strong you cannot break through. From really strong walks or just fierce and piercing looks, you know every person has a story and style that they are not afraid to show.
Perhaps you could call it a big Show Case, and now when I found myself staring at these very different people I wonder and wonder, taking my imagination far away and creating a story for each one that stands out of the regular crowd.
Although I feel, my experience here has been nothing but good and I think I can understand culture and traditions on another level of -Culturness- I do not find me trying to be like them... (Not in all senses at least) I've been feeling more 'patriotic' -perhaps- than ever, feeling like I should represent to the fullest what I stand for here, show everyone that 'latinos' can rock the world and that our culture, our land and our perspectives can be the right ones for the greater good -if there's actually one-.
Is that how I got to watch so much clips about the biggest cities in Latin America where they embrace living the city life as good as they can. Of course Bogotá, Buenos Aires, and my beloved Caracas could not compare to metropolitan London, modern Berlin or lovely Paris; but let me tell you they're not far in beauty, they just haven't been exploited - or they have been too much actually, depending on how you want to see it- And then I developed a strong affection for going back to these cities, I want to travel them and walk them and feel their soul, the essence, the vibe that emanates from them.
Do not take me wrong, I am not saying that the actual political waves in Latin America should be role models. But there's an air of hope, and I really wish the most for Latin America actually getting development, leaving poverty, ignorance and other issues behind, and becoming on a place where equality, respect, and culture rein, a place of ideal peace. And most important becoming a respected and known place, jut as the 'Developed World' is.
I guess this was more of a PopCornThought, but I hope you can understand it on time...

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